Friday 25 April 2014

If only points meant prizes :(

Hi all, sorry it's been so long again. Well, where do I start? I know, I'll start with Nathan clocking up another set of points on his new Australian licence and a neat $170 fine. Poor Nathan. It has got to the stage now, where he's scared to check the post in case there's a nasty letter from the NSW RTA. He is genuinely trying so hard but the car literally rolls faster than the speed limit. This time he was caught out in a school zone. Between the hours of 8.00 and 9.00 and 2.30pm and 4.30pm, the speed limits change from 60km/h to 40km/h. Talking of the post, Nathan is currently most distressed. Now reenergising his past hobbies, he is a fully fledged philatelist again and he has purchased 2500-3000 stamps! They should have arrived in the post by now but no sign of them. Maybe we live in some strange stamp collector's cult area and they have been stolen, you never know! Well, it has been about 25 years since he last did it seriously. He has some huge catching up to do with his world stamp collection. He has also decided to start a collection of Australian new release stamps since January 2014 so he is now stamp multi tasking - most impressive! Bless him! It keeps him happy.
Well, we've come to the end of our first school holiday. 2 beautiful weeks. The first week's weather was rainy but the second week was beautiful. We went to the Jenolan caves. Wow! We'll definitely be visiting again. The most spectacular caves I have ever seen, even better than Chedder Gorge. I have posted piccies on Facebook. It was a 2 and a half hour drive but completely justified. On the way back, we were delayed by two kangaroos who were on the road ahead of us leaping along like mad but with nowhere to go - cliff face on one side and sheer drop on other so it was a kangaroo's pace for us for a while, ( just as well really, at least we didn't pick up any points on that drive!)
We also went to the Sydney Easter Royal Fair - a super event; like a huge agricultural fair. The girls loved the animals. Nathan loved the wood chopping competition! I kid you not. There is a very prestigious log chopping competition (men and women- believe me, you wouldn't upset a female Ozzie wood chopper!). We missed seeing Kate, Will and baby George; they went the following week.
Then, there were the really significant things. I sorted out new contact lenses; found a hairdresser (that I trust!); joined a union; sorted out the kids with a swimming squad; drunk a bottle of Belgian chocolate baileys; found a local dentist. We had some people over for dinner and we visited other people for barbecues; we watched movies at the cinema. We wrote reports; planned lessons; marked work; discussed the pros and cons of owning a dog. Life is still crazy. No regrets but not feeling settled either. I pine for security and a sense of belonging - neither of which are likely to present themselves anytime soon.
Talk soon and lots of love.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Musical extravaganza continued

..sorry about that, blog and iPad not playing today :(
Where was I? Ah yes, we went to see another one of my boys who was starring in Les Mis at a different venue. I went along because he asked me to and because I wanted to support him but I ended up watching a future star. He had the most amazing voice. He is definitely going places. Watch this space!
Anyway, that's it for now,
Lots of love and talk soon.

Musical extravaganza!

Hi all,

I am so sorry that its been so long. I have been nagged at relentlessly on Facebook so here I sit, guilt ridden and bearing the burden of an expat. Its been so long because we've been so busy. Not just with work, though life at School continues to share similarities with a good old fashioned rat race - we are like rats on red bull ..... Though unfortunately no wings in sight! Life generally has been so busy.
Whilst enjoying quiet reflection in worship, 2 weeks ago, Nathan received a phone call from the company in charge of moving our stuff. Great news. Despite the fact that we had been promised sincerely by the company that the whole process would be a smooth and sympathetic one, taking no longer than 8 - 10 weeks at an absolute maximum, it has been a really expensive headache, full of extra costs and taken around 15 weeks. But hey, good news, it was ready and they'd be delivering it the next day. Not wanting to rock the boat, if you pardon the pun, we raced to the Deputy Head and asked for permission to take the following day off work to receive our belongings - despite the short notice, we were both granted the day off work.
The following day was going to be a very busy one. The girls were going on camp with the school so Nathan dropped them off while I waited at home for our eagerly anticipated home comforts. People said it would be like Christmas; unwrapping treasured things that we'd almost forgotten about. What a lovely romantic notion. I'd love to tell you that this was an accurate comparison but that would be a lie and if nothing else, this blog is to serve as an accurate, warts and all account of a family's move to the other side of the world. I will call to mind the 'giving birth' analogy again. Eagerly awaited and yet disappointing and painful. I cannot complain about the care that went into the packing of our cheap cutlery and plastic bowels. As I unwrapped each layer of paper, it was reassuring to know that each individual teaspoon was wrapped so well that it took up half of a large box. We have a lot of teaspoons so I'll leave you to do the maths. I am so glad that the wonderful packers looked after us. After all, where would we have been without our well protected teaspoons?. Never mind the 2 chests of drawers, sofa bed, quilt, pillows, bedroom chair and book shelving that we had to leave behind and dump because there wasn't enough room on the storage container to bring them. There wasn't enough room because of all the bloody boxes full of bloody sumo-wrestler impersonating teaspoons!!! And while they were at it, why not rip out the shelves of the welsh dresser, leaving nails poking out so that they could squeeze in a couple of 30 year old keeping bags!!! (Note the irony that these arrive the day the girls go off to camp - so we've had to buy new sleeping bags for them anyway). I tell you, these packers were real experts who really cared about our belongings. Nathan's speakers for his surround sound cinema effect entertainment system were just chucked into a box with no packaging or bubble wrap at all. Then again, why would you protect expensive electrical equipment? It's all about the teaspoons. As long as they're ok. My precious collection of books? Well, they're not teaspoons are they, so let's just sling them in and sod whether or not the spines or covers get damaged. After all, you can't stir sugar in your tea with books can you?
Furniture wise, not too bad. Though typically, the only piece which did sustain damage was Nathan's beloved bespoke outrageously expensive walnut TV cabinet.
Ok, ok, ok, I hear you. Enough moaning. What about the good stuff?
The kids enjoyed camp and seem to be fairly settled. We have booked a holiday to Florida for Christmas and the new year! I figured that being a long break from work, this might be a time when I dwell on being away from my family - need the distraction. Nathan is so excited and the spreadsheets are being designed as we speak!!
Last Friday, we all went to watch the school's production of 'Kiss me Kate', a musical inspired by Shakey's The Taming of the Shrew. One of the boys I teach was performing in it and asked if I'd go and see him. In my pastoral care mode, I thought it would be nice. It was a phenomenal performance. The orchestra was fantastic and the singing and acting so professional. A brilliant night out. Friday just gone, I took the family to come and watch a performance of Les Mis, which another one of my boys was starring

Saturday 15 March 2014

The most expensive pine cone in the world!

I've been told that you should always write the good stuff at the end; people then only remember the good stuff - I think it's called the latency effect. So that's what I'll do.
We've been here about 10 weeks now and over that time, I have come to the conclusion that emigration is like the last trimester of pregnancy and the first few months of being a first time parent. Allow me to expand on this analogy. The thought of moving to the other side of the world is very exciting; the process is incredibly scary and painful and once you've done it, there is some much to deal with, all in one go, that you wonder how you're ever going to cope. If you're ever going to cope.
Everyone says that the first year is hard. I guess that is an understatement.

Work is fine. I thoroughly enjoy my job but it is taking up so much of my life. I have been told by other new members of staff that it is the most high pressured environment in which they've worked - and they had the summer holiday before hand to recharge their batteries; a luxury we had to do without. Still, I am not going to complain about that. As a true Aussie, I will 'suck that up'. What I will complain about, however, is the following:
We have still not received our furniture. Let me tell you, living without a couch for 10 weeks is horrible. I know that sounds superficial but sometimes,you really need to just chill out.
We haven't watched TV for about 5 weeks - again, sounds superficial but you try it!
We are still, chasing up so many loose ends in England because of lazy and incompetent gits who can't be bothered to do their jobs properly.
We're still paying for gas and electricity at a house we haven't lived in since December.
We're still having to constantly chase up stuff in England that should have been sorted out months ago. Doing that late at night (cos of the 11 hour difference), when you're already exhausted from a brand new job and sorting out 2 daughters who are struggling with the transition, is less than ideal.
The house we're renting here has drainage and sewage problems and at $800 per week, you would expect it to be sorted out sharpish. But no, 5 weeks on and we're still constantly having to badger the letting agents to get it sorted.
In addition to the parking fine and speeding fine, australian customs and excise have required a further $1000 to do whatever they feel they have to take weeks and weeks to do. We have had to pay an additional $82 for them to destroy a Christmas decoration which didn't meet with their approval!
Both the girls, now over the honey moon period, are struggling to settle. They are both enjoying school but not finding it easy in other ways. However, I have been very impressed with the health care system here. (We have now also sorted ourselves out with private healthcare - a must over here for lots of different reasons).
Ok, so enough of the woes! Yesterday, we had a lovely day at Manly Beach to celebrate Becky's belated birthday. We bought her a body board and then hardly saw her - she loved it. A real surf chick. At one point she got 'totally smashed' and was 'rescued' by an australian boy!
We had a big burger each for lunch on the beach and Becky decided it would be a great idea to recreate the seagull scene from Nemo by feeding one gull with a bit of her bun. The next thing we knew, we were surrounded by seagulls desperate for a bit of her lunch. Rather embarrassing!!!!!
I went for a couple of walks along the beach - beautiful, and got beaten by Erin in a sprint race! Oh how I love to be reminded of my age!
Nathan got burnt!

Sunday 2 March 2014

Nasty NSW speed cameras nobble naughty nimble Nathan!

Hi all,

Well it's been a whole week .... A lot can happen in a week! A lot of money can be fined and plenty of points picked up!
Yes, you've guessed it, Mr middle-aged boy racer has already managed to rack himself up some penalty points. Poor sod has had to put up with my snide comments and under the breath mumbles and now I've gone the whole hog; gone viral with his misdemeanours. Oh well, I guess he's only coming out in sympathy with his brother-in-law!!!!! Anyway, his argument is that the Aussies all drive at a snail's pace and, compared to us zany poms, that's true. But I warned him time and time again! The Aussies don't do things by halves over here. The road in question is a dual carriage way with a 60km per hour speed limit. Yes Nathan, I know that 78 km per hour is only 48 miles  per hour and the speed limit for an equivalent GB road is 70 miles per hour, but we're not in England and 78km per hour is still 18km per hour over the limit whatever way you look at it! When in Rome and all that! We're lucky it wasn't a public holiday because then he'd have picked up 6 points instead of 3!
The fine was $248. Add that to the $246 parking fee we got in the first week here and we're anything but 'quids in'. More like ' dollars disaster!'
Anyway, that delightful letter was with some other post that we picked up from the hotel, having yet to change our address with all and sundry ..... Again! The other letter contained our Medicare cards, which was great, especially considering that we 'd been waiting so long for these that, having assumed they'd got lost in the post, we'd cancelled them and reapplied for new ones the day before!!!
Hoo bloody ray!!!!!
Oh, here's an interesting fact for you. My new claim to fame - Hugh Jackman (mum and dad - he's an extremely famous Hollywood movie star) went to Knox Grammar school!!! I bet he didn't  have that silly wolverine hair style back then! I wonder if he played drums and bagpipes, wearing a kilt - ooh, what a nice thought!
Nathan and I have been continuing to go on our evening strolls around West Pennant Hills. I don't know why we torture ourselves so. The houses are all like Mr Warbuck mansions! Can't imagine we'll be buying a house here. Oh well, maybe far away or may be real nearby, the sun'll come out and we'll buy a little garden shed in someone's garden. Nathan could be the gardener and I could be the hired help?
The girls had a lovely time at their swimming carnival last Wednesday, both competing and doing themselves proud considering they haven't swam since December. Next job on the to do list is to get them into a swimming club.
Following the disappointing weather last weekend,we thought we'd buy Becky her belated birthday present and take her to the beach this weekend. After all, it had been 30 degrees on Wednesday when we were outside all day at Knox, arranging and running the six events sports day. But no, it has rained all weekend so the belated birthday is belated again. We took the kids to see Frozen to make up for it. The irony does not escape me. We're waiting for a hot weekend and end up watching Frozen! The sun doesn't seem to have any problem blazing down while we're at work mind!
So, as I'm blogging here in bed - it's 10.40 pm Sunday night- hubby is writing highly interesting physics work sheets on his MacBook Air. I'm not sure if its physics or some kind of seizure but he's just started flopping about and clapping his hands like a demented seal.
I had better sign off and find out what's got him so excited. It's probably the excitement at the prospect of getting a jug or bug!

Night night

Monday 24 February 2014

Koalas are cool!!!!!

Hi all,

Sorry it's been such a long time. Irony of ironies; we move all the way to the other side of the world for a less hectic and calmer lifestyle and lo and behold, we have never been so busy in all our lives!!
Excuses, excuses....I know , I know but it's the truth. However, several people have guilt  tripped me into posting the latest Lewis Blues, whoops, I mean News,

Well, the furniture, sorry ' lack of furniture ' situation remains a constant pain in the proverbial. We are sick of having nowhere to sit and having to wash up after every drink or snack because we only have enough cutlery and crockery for four people. Actually, scrub that, thanks to Bexmeister, we don't even have that! A glass on a wooden floor tends to smash into a million shards when it is inadvertently kicked! So one of us has to go without a drink until the fastest gulper has finished their drink and washed it up ready to be reused. Joy!

The girls are still loving school. Bex had a reflection day today. Basically, she went to Sydney Arcadia, sang a few religious songs and had a lovely time. This evening, We all attended the parent meeting about the upcoming camp ( oh yes - we get to get rid of both girls for the same three days - cinema and meal out it is then!) at the end of March. Looks like it'll be fun. However, it is likely that our belongings will still be in limbo, meaning that we may well have to purchase another 2 sleeping bags, holdalls, outdoor activity clothes etc etc. I cannot recommend highly enough who NOT to go with if ever you up sticks and move to the other side of the world. Watch this space!

So Becky's birthday has been and gone..... Though it still lingers. The weekend before last we took her into Castle Towers and spent her birthday money on clothes and shoes ( she must be growing up because Nathan didn't approve of any of her fashion choices!)
This weekend, the plan was to take her to the beach, buy her a body board, spend some time on the surf and take her out for a slap-up lunch. Of course Sod's law reigned and the weather decided to cool off on Saturday. We agreed that we would wait for a hot day and do it then. This made us feel a little bad for her so we decided to take the girls to Koala Park to make up for it. Koala Park features mainly nocturnal animals. Going during the day is therefore kind of pointless! I think that there may have been one other family there .... Certainly not the busiest or most well run place we've ever been. However, it proved to be a real welcome relief from the intense and daily grind that is a new job, in a new country. (Yes that is violins you hear playing in the background....or is it a didgeridoo??). Anyway, joking outside, we had good old fashioned fun and the girls and I spent the morning laughing and joking. The echidna (yes, that is one echidna) had buried itself underground so we didn't see that; just a mound of earth moving up and down as,presumably, it breathed?  The possum ( yes, that's one possum) slept inside a pipe with its bum facing us. So I have seen a possum bum and witnessed the breathing patterns of an echidna. The kangaroos were super cool though. They were very cute and there was plenty of them. There was an enclosure where you could go, and feed them and stroke them. Two of them had babies in their pouches. Very cute. The girls loved it! The koalas were brilliant. How on earth they manage to sleep wedged between a forked branch, I'll never know but they are certainly entertaining when they are awake. We watched one of them eat eucalyptus leaves for a good quarter of an hour, cracking up laughing at every facial expression and mouth manipulation.
The long necked turtles were just weird, like elongated poos which stick up,out of the water. The birds were all impressive, particularly the emus. We were even fascinated by the insects and worms that were not intentional exhibits!
Sunday was spent working, helping the kids with their homework and then we had a 'baked dinner' at the home of one of Nathan's colleagues. A lovely evening was had by all - though the Aussie 'bake' just doesn't have that artery blocking, waist expanding satisfaction of a good old pommey roast.

Well, it's 10.10pm and I am typing this in bed, absolutely exhausted but content all the same.

Good night and talk soon.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Home sweet home ... At least for a little while.

Well, we have now left the hotel and moved into a beautiful house. Hallelujah! No more ant infestations!! There are only so many times that watching a convoy of ants moving a crumb of Danish pastry from one end of the apartment to the other is entertaining. After a while it gets boring; not to mention itchy and uncomfortable. Waking up to a sink surrounded by ants as they gorge themselves on grains of sugar that have leaked out of the bottom of the sugar bag is, frankly, awful. We couldn't even escape into the corridor because that smelt so bad that heaving became a reflex action as you left the apartment every morning.

Saturday was seriously busy. The double bed, washing machine, the rented fridge freezer and garden furniture (which is currently doubling up as dining room furniture) arrived in dribs and drabs throughout the day. We had to purchase a kettle, toaster, 4 lots of cutlery, 4 plates, 4 cups, 4 glasses, etc etc, you get the picture. We had to get towels and tea towels; an iron and ironing board and cleaning utensils. All of our stuff is still gaily making its way across the Indian Ocean, blissfully unaware of how much pain and misery it's absence is causing. Ok, maybe a little melodramatic but still...

Sunday was foxtel (equivalent to sky set up) and sofa bed was delivered. Food shopping followed by the purchase of an office chair and filing cabinet. All of this had to be fitted around planning lessons for curriculums with which we are completely unfamiliar.

The house is beautiful and after spending 5 weeks in a hotel, it seems huge! 4 bedrooms  - one with en suite, plus 2 bathrooms, office, rumpus, laundry room, lounge, kitchen/diner. Because it is mostly wooden flooring and empty, it echoes like mad. Seriously great acoustics. Especially in terms of the girls' herd of elephants routine.

Girls have to get a bus to school now but they get a free bus pass and the bus stop is about 20 metres from the house so that's been pretty good. They're both loving school. Unbeknown to us at the time, their school fees have included all of the camps and religious retreats; the carnivals;,the obscure pdhpe classes such as rock climbing and water polo, all ingredients for food tech. Not bad eh?

They have a big swimming carnival next week, which they're both really looking forward to.

Work for us is absolutely mad and hectic but cool too. I still stand and stare in awe at the boys as they play the drums and bagpipes, accompanying our entry to school every morning. A little Scotland in NSW!

Talking of Scotland, I am off to take a little nip of  whiskey.

Talk soon

Monday 3 February 2014

Smash 'em and fall!

Hi all,

Sorry it's been a while. I guess that moving to the other side of the world, both starting new jobs, uprooting the kids and sticking them in new schools, living in a one bed apartment without any stuff and horrendously expensive yet annoyingly limited Internet, has caused me a little undue stress which seems to be manifesting itself in extreme fatigue! Blogs will continue but probably weekly from now on.
The weekend was busy. Saturday was great. We had been invited over to a colleague's place by the beach. And I mean by the beach. Spitting distance. A less than 30 second stroll from the front door!
The whole family were absolutely lovely - great company. They put up with us whinging poms for nine hours! We had a delicious barbecue and talked and talked and talked. They had spent 5 years in the UK so we swapped life stories, which was very cathartic. The family had a spoodle. It was absolutely beautiful. He was called Busby - something to do with a Man Utd manager as the family supported Man Utd ( ok, I said that they were nearly perfect!).
After a delicious feast, we headed over to the beach - body board and frisbee in hand. I sat and watched, occasionally dipping my toe in the beautiful clear water. I suddenly realised that I had lost sight of both Erin and Nathan. Considering the pair of them are practically blind (and in Nathan's case, deaf as well), I started to feel a little concerned. After a while, I saw Nathan choking and spluttering and watched as Erin was dragged out of the waves by Nathan's colleague. Apparently, they were wave jumping. Despite both being very strong swimmers, they now have found a new respect for the power of nature. Mid jump, they were smashed by a particularly powerful wave which rolled them under and across the bed like tumble weed. As soon as they were able to come to the surface, they were hit again. They had no chance to take a breath before the second and then third wave hit. In reliving it, Nathan tells me that at this point he began to panic slightly. He had lost Erin and was struggling himself. He had no idea what was up or down. And all of this kicks off while I'm cursing them because I can't see them to take a photo for the blog! Hence the lack of photos!
Anyway, thankfully, they are both fine but a serious lesson was learnt by all. The sea is a mean bitch! She WILL be respected!
Duly noted.
After this, the girls had a go on the body board. They loved it and Becky has already put  in an order for her birthday! I tried not to smile when Nathan had a go. Lets just say that the girls were more graceful. They made it look easy. Nathan was not quite so graceful. Nathan did not make it look quite so easy. Mind you, it's not easy, making something look easy when you're wearing a skin tight rash vest!!!
Frisbee followed. Now Nath had his chance to shine. The girls haven't quite grasped the physics of frisbee flinging and our friends were politely diving from one side to the other, desperately trying to hide the fact that my girls can't throw. For toffees!
After fun at the beach we took Busby for a walk by the lake. We came across a moher duck and about 15 fluffy (there's that word again!) ducklings. I have never seen such tame creatures. The mother allowed us to pick them up and stroke them. It may not have been wallabies or koalas but it was pretty cool regardless.
Sunday - not so much fun. We started by heading into town to check hat our new TV would be ready for collection before the foxtel (sky) people arrive at the new house. It won't be. We then headed to,office world to pick up school supplies for Erin. We got everything we needed, including purple, leopard print, suede sticky back plastic for covering books, except for the 5mm grid paper for maths. We could get 10mm, 7mm, even 2mm but not 5mm. Erghhhhhhh! We had to Give up,in the end and admit defeat. The shops were turning into the scene from Friends, where Monica is trying to,buy a wedding dress in the sale. People were prepared to fight over 5mm grid people. Not graph paper, oh no. It has to be 5mm grid paper! Gve me strength!
This was followed by a relaxing shopping trip to the supermarket. (Just in case you're not sure, I was being a little cynical then.)  Once at home, the girls spread themselves on the floor with their homework. Nathan got the double bed for his planning and I took the dining table. Did I mention that we are sick of living in such confined space? I had to move all the washing up out of the way so that I could do the ironing.
I think,it was at this point, around about 9.00pm, that I whacked my head on the kitchen cupboard door for a fifth time. Suddenly, making sandwiches became an unearthly chore and I howled like an animal and experienced my first meltdown since arrival. I still had a pile of ironing and the planning wasn't finished. What made it worse was that there was no wine.

Still, not to worry, we had work to look forward to.

See you be t weekend.

Lots of love.

Friday 31 January 2014

Joined the workforce.........eventually.

Hi all,
Sorry we've been off the radar for a couple of days. The holiday is officially over and we're all exhausted. We're back at work and the girls are at school.
Despite a wobbly start, Erin now seems to be enjoying herself. She has made some friends. Strangely one of them is called Erin. Just to confuse matters further, Becky has chummed up with Rebecca! Slowly, they're learning the way around the school and the curriculum. Erin had her first history elective lesson today. It was on the Tudors. She loved it. Her form tutor bought the girls pizza and ice pops for lunch on their first day! Becky's pronunciation of the word 'fluffy' has been particularly poplar with the Aussie girls who keep getting her to say it over and over.

As for Nath and I, we're chasing our tails. Those of you who know me personally, know I have absolutely no sense of direction, (talking of which, the girls have been hounded by one direction fans who have asked them if they know the lads personally!). Anyway, I spend half the time wandering around, trying to look like I know where I am going when in reality, I am just about keeping the lid on my panic at being completely lost on the way to a lesson! Nath seems to be distressed by me complaining that my air conditioned classroom is too cold. I wonder what is problem is as his brow pours and his pit rings expand - he has no air con!

We're both enjoying the bagpipes and drums which accompany our entrance to our place of work every morning. Surreal and yet already normality. We're also both enjoying the free tea and coffee, cake, sandwiches and fresh fruit every recess. It's hard work. It's daunting. It's challenging. But it's also exciting and I am sure that a year from now, we'll look back and laugh!

Have a lovely weekend.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Up, up, up!!!!

I know this is slightly unconventional but I am adding an epilogue to the previous blog entry. The move company got back to us. They apologised for the miscommunication. Our furniture is still due to arrive in February. It is the bikes and lawn mower, which went on a separate container, which will be delayed until end of March.
I can live with that!
You can all breathe again!
Thank you positive psychology!